2016 Movie

The movie, 2016: Obama's America, is just as relevant now as it was before the election!  This movie, based on Dinesh D'Souza's New York Times bestseller and produced by academy award winning Gerald R. Molen (Schindler's List), reveals secrets behind Obama's real world view and goals – and their impact after four years if Mr. Obama is reelected.  The movie's trailer challenges our knowledge of Obama.  The end of the trailer asks, "Which dream do we want to carry into 2016?"

My radio talk show host mentor, Dennis Prager, cares just as much as I do about saving our country.  On his radio show of Thursday, August 9, 2012, Dennis interviews Mr. D'Souza.  The first few minutes reveal Dennis' enthusiasm for the movie.  You may listen here.

I beg of you, do not vote until you see this movie!


If this trailer piques your interest, consider going or contact me at [email protected] for a DVD or to set up a movie watch.  Although I don't believe it is showing any more in Omaha, you may check theaters and showtimes here.

If you wish to purchase your own DVD directly, you may go to the official 2016 site.